Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Nora: A Senior Comic Strip by Rida Ilyas (2012)

Nora decides to crash the party, then Josh tries to expels her from his grandparents' home. However, she vomits rainbows and faints before their eyes. Josh then carries her upstairs into the guest room. She can be seen resting peacefully on the bed but later she jumps out of the window and lands on the bushes. In the comic strip, Nora is drawn as a massive pair of red and shiny lips with a big backside while drinking alcohol. In the six panels drawn, Nora and Josh continue their endeavors described above. Josh will be seen trying to force Nora through the door in one panel. Nora will be vomiting a stream of all the colors of the rainbow. The rainbow represents the arrangement of emotions going through her head.
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