Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Reaching Happiness In The End: A Senior Comic Strip by Samantha Pann (2012)

Kristen a 15-year-old, just started her first year at Coldwater Prep. Kristen has grown up in the same area, with the same group of kids her whole life. But she never really fit in with them. She couldn't afford all the designer clothing that her peers wore and was constantly mocked for it. Her father worked at the potato chip company Storitos. But was recently laid off. Her mother had to take on two jobs to attempt to cover their house payments, children's private school costs, and basic necessities. Kristen's mother was over whelmed and Kristen began to think it was all her fault. Which is why she became depressed and began to self harm herself. In the end after talking to her mother, she transferred to the local public school and made some real friends. She was finally happy.
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