Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Unfortunate Realization: A Senior Comic Strip by Zachary Baier (2012)

In my comic strip the blue person with the jet pack is my main character. In the first scene is him breaking out of the roof of a bank bit a bag of money. He just robbed the bank. In the second scene is flying away as the cops are chasing him. However, he then has a vision and realizes his wrong doings. This vision changes him and his actions. He then decides to go turn himself in to the police and is flying back to the police station in the picture. In the last scene you see his jet pack exploding while he is flying to the station. This shows how my character way a bad and troubled person in his life. He has done many wrong actions in his life. He has robbed banks, evaded the cops and many other actions. He has a vision about how what he is doing is wrong. He realizes how foolish and cruel he has been in his life. He decides to turn himself in for the crimes he has committed. His jetpack exploding is karma for all the bad things he had done in his life. He decided to change too late in his life.
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