Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Toastin': A Senior Comic Strip by Connor Crutcher (2012)

In my comic illustration, my first scene starts off with two toasters fawning over the ''hot guy'' butter. The two toasters are completely different, one toaster is old and rusty while the other one is new, retro, and shiny. Throughout my comic the two toasters follow and compete for the butters attention. The new toaster makes constant remarks about how much better she is and how all her new retro options and settings will get the hot guy butter to like her. The old rusty toaster takes that as a challenge and pushes past the new toaster to try a pick up line on the hot guy butter which in the end they both get denied. The old toaster is suppose to represent the ''nerdy'' kid in school that is gone unnoticed. The rusty toaster is a representation of the main character in my story because my main character is the unpopular girl who falls in love with her best friend who's the popular guy. She of course has some competition because everyone likes the popular guy in school, so the new retro toaster is the classic cheerleader who always goes out with the football star, which in this case is the butter.
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