Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Life Of A Police Badge: A Senior Comic Strip by Zachary Williams (2012)

In English class we were told to create a character. I made Aze Ranger, a police ranger that serves his country to the best of his ability. Then in design we were told to strip our character down to his essentials. By turning Aze into a police badge I was able to get at the core virtues that Aze installs throughout his life. In my comics first scene bank robbers scale the side of the bank in preparation to commit a robbery. Next the robbery goes down, and finally my cartoon police badge saves the day. Metaphorically Aze and the police badge have something special in common. They symbolize what is somewhat of a paradox. They both live a life full of excitement, stress, and adrenaline where danger lurks around each corner. However they do their job to keep America a safe and structured environment. Therefore they symbolize the following statement perfectly: ''Do what is right no matter what''. Even though Aze and his badge cannot live the life their fighting for, they still fight because they are making a difference. They are helping others and in doing so, they are doing the right thing.
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