Freestyle Academy proudly presents

One Percent: A Senior Comic Strip by Devon Zuegel (2012)

My main character, Marie Winthrop, wants to change the world. Born into a wealthy family, she's been sheltered from real world problems and so has romantic, unrealistic ideas about how to change them. She donates to charities, but she doesn't really know where that money goes; she sponsors political candidates, but she doesn't really understand the details of their platforms. She likes the idea of philanthropy, but she doesn't know the people she loves because she's always been separated from them and their reality. Marie's parents have made everything easy for her, resulting in her acute idealism. In this story, she joins an Occupy Wall Street protest, although she is from the very group they are protesting. Despite her fancy signs printed at Kinko's and her fancy jewelry, Marie doesn't understand that she isn't part of the 99% until the very end when she runs up to a businessman and yells in his face. She realizes that he is an old friend from college and is shocked to find that the people she is protesting against are her peers.
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