Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Comic Strip: A Senior Comic Strip by Francis Sullivan (2012)

For my pivotal comic scene my character, God, one of two personalities fighting for control over their body, loses consciousness and becomes the other personality, Dog. God is intelligent and deeply cynical while Dog is primitive and manipulatable. The trigger for the switch between their personalities is a song, when one of them hears the song, they lose consciousness and the other personality wakes up, as if from a sleep. The two personalities are so occupied in trying to maintain control of their body, that they stop living their life as a person and become obsessed with control. This manifests itself in God in his eating disorders, trying to starve the beast inside him, Dog inflicts wounds on himself to beat the confusing and controlling voice away. The comic itself depicts the feeling God gets when he loses consciousness. Intense disorientation followed by a fall into darkness. The light in the center of the room makes a sort of island of consciousness that God futilely struggles to hang on to as he slips into sleep and Dog awakens. It was hard to put the scene into context or tell a complete story with only one panel, so I decided to focus on the emotion alone.
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