Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Lucas Chevre: A Senior Mise en Scene Illustration by Aiden Zucker (2012)

My picture captures the instant where my character, Lucas Chevre, realizes that he has multiple personality disorder. Normally, Lucas is an average high school senior heavily involved with soccer who enjoys listening to music, however recently he has found unexplainable coincidences in the lyrics of an internet rap artist called Sir Choppa that he started listening to. In this scene, Lucas is reading a letter that Sir Choppa sent him explaining that Sir Choppa is actually a subconscious persona within Lucas himself who writes, records, and uploads songs to the internet while Lucas is sleeping. Lucas has such intense emotions about what is happening but he doesn't know what to think. I employed several devices to give my picture meaning. The dramatic shadow behind Lucas represents Lucas's subconscious side: Sir Choppa. It is darker and behind Lucas since he hasn't been aware of its presence his entire life, but in this moment he is realizing that Sir Choppa has been with him in some form since he was ten. The light on Lucas's face seems to be emanating from the letter he is reading to represent the light the words are shedding on Lucas's life. The dramatic and high contrast shadows throughout the entire photograph represent the intense emotion Lucas is feeling at that moment. The soccer ball to the left of Lucas represents his commitment to soccer, however the fact that it is laying to the side of Lucas shows how it's not what's on Lucas's mind at the moment. The ear bud in Lucas's ear portrays his musical side that he's much more connected to recently, even more so than soccer. It is through this music that he learns about Sir Choppa. The family pictures above Sir Choppa's shadow are meant to portray his family's omnipresent pressure on Lucas, which is what originally caused Lucas to suppress his love for hip hop and rap through a subconscious persona, since they disapprove of some of rap's negative messages and subjects.
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