Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Dishes Aren't Going to Wash Themselves: A Senior Mise en Scene Illustration by Dora Parnanen (2012)

Catherine Mood, a polished perfectionist, always puts all of her effort into everything that comes her way, so she makes sure that every meal she prepares as a chef is something she can say that she is proud of. She doesn't let a plate out of the kitchen until it looks and tastes perfect, regardless of whether she was the one who prepared it or not. Although this attention to detail is what landed her a promotion to the position of assistant head chef of a catering company, it is also what causes her to be fired when she takes on too much responsibility and everything falls apart around her. This photograph captures the moment when Catherine is preoccupied with too much work, so she trips with plates in her hands and doesn't know if she'll be able to catch them or not. The white background shows how lost in her own thoughts she is. The photo's lighting and focus are on the plates and her hand, because the falling plates are what snap her back into reality.
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