Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Deception: A Senior Mise en Scene Illustration by Katya Schaefer (2012)

This image shows two people, a boy named Camerin and a girl named Nadia. She is showing him her phone which shows something shocking. This is why Camerins face is in focus while Nadia and the phone are out of focus. The background is dark for dramatic effect and to help create the iconic Mise En Scene shadows seen on the hands of Nadia. The story behind the photo is that Nadia, out of desperation for the love of Camerin created a fake Facebook profile under the name of Kaya. She is Camerins dream girl and he falls for her which was not part of Nadia's plan. She decides to reveal the truth about what she did and black mail him into a relationship with her. What the image shows is the moment when she reveals to him that she is in fact Kaya and shows him the Facebook profile as proof.
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