Freestyle Academy proudly presents

The Photographer: A Senior Mise en Scene Illustration by Annalise Tahran (2012)

My mise en scene shows a girl strangling a man. The man is a male photographer and the girl is a model. The girl, Zoe, started modeling after high school so that she could raise enough money to move out of her parents house. During Zoe's first modeling gig she is taken advantage of by her photographer. Unfortunately this abuse is reoccurring throughout her next few photo shoots. Eventually Zoe is sick of going through with it and tries to fight her forgiving personality. During her next gig, Zoe takes the end of her dress and wraps it around the neck of her photographer and murders him as soon attempts to do anything besides modeling with her. The end of Zoe's dress, aka the murder weapon, is shown through the pink fabric around the guy's neck. Her sunken eyes with black eyeliner around the edges makes someone who once looked perfect, now flawed. I made sure that the photographer was below Zoe so that it portrays the model finally taking control of her future and letting go of her forgiving personality.
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