Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Lantern: A Senior Mise en Scene Illustration by Tara Swan (2012)

In my piece, there is a girl walking out of the shot looking down a path unseen by the viewers. She has a coat on, a scarf, and is walking away from home. In the background, a person is seen faded into the background near the door way behind her. A bright lantern hangs luminously at the corner lighting the steps down from the door and the path in front. For this piece, the main character is showing a almost timid smile as she walks away from all she knows. The dark figure behind could be the dark shadow of her family or the life she knew and is now leaving behind. The lantern's light illuminates not only in front of the girl walking away to light her way down her path but also behind her. This shows the option and the timid idea that she could turn back around and go back to the security that she knew before. She doesn't have to walk into the darker parts down the path to where ever she plans to go. But with a growing confidence, she keeps her back turned away from home and heads out to the unknown.
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