Freestyle Academy proudly presents

The Stalking Lover: A Senior Mise en Scene Illustration by Avery Grimes-Farrow (2012)

This is the pivotal moment in my short story. In my picture there is a high school-er, Jake, standing next to leaves with his hand on his hip. He is at his closeted guy-friend's house, whom he is having a secret relationship with. The bushes are green and the background, along with him is a saturated black-purple color. Some of his face is also hidden behind the bushes. He also isn't happy with the current situation he is in. Jake is confronting the main character, Aiden, at his house. Jake is tired of Aiden not surrendering to his feelings, and is going to confront him when he gets home. He is hiding behind the bushes because he is awaiting Aiden's arrival. Jake's hand on his hip is suppose to signify the stereotypical pose of gay men, showing that he and his friend, are more than friends. The expression on his face is annoyed, because he is tired of playing the ''ignore game'' with his friend. Some of his face is hidden because he followed him home, trying not to be seen. The leaves are green and the background is saturated because he is suppose to blend in with the background, and not be noticed.
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