Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Watchdog: A Senior Mise en Scene Illustration by Ben Wilson (2012)

Here just inside the door to a bedroom stands Francis. At this moment in time he is reading his friend John's handwritten notes which had just come from his friends dresser. In the dresser are the rest of his notes and journals, and on top of said dresser is John's past yearbooks, which he looks at frequently. Just above them is a small stuffed dog, innocently posing there and observing everything. Behind the door in the hallway, a shadow is visible. In the story, Francis is John's best friend. This pivotal scene takes place in John's house, where the writing club which they are a part of has decided to meet. John always keeps to himself, and so Francis took the opportunity to wander into John's room and find out a little more about him. Francis stumbled upon John's personal journals. In the scene, he is reading those journals and discovering deep things about his friends which he had never thought of before. The dog on the yearbooks was a gift given to John in the past by somebody who meant a lot to him, and he has kept it since then and it has watched over all the events in John's room for a long time.
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