Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Message in a Bottle: A Senior Surreal Photo by Carlo Pio di Savoia (2012)

This is a missive from the edge of despair, or rather confusion. I cannot comprehend the preceding and most likely inevitable forthcoming events, for they are beyond the understanding of such a simple creature. These occurrences may be beyond, between or before this realm of existence, but uncertainty is bouncing through my thoughts like an over-caffeinated child at a playground. Questions and unanswered ideas are lingering in my head like storm clouds, and I fear they will never be resolved. Actions as simple as mere touch can have the most adverse effects, like a corrupted King Midas. It is unfathomable what is causing this or what it exactly is, but I know that it will be a change for the worse. What I have become, I do not know. I can only hope for the future.
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