Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Lookings: A Senior Surreal Photo by Joshua Kirsch (2012)

Pa, the wind's scaring me! The screen damn near blew off its hinges. Almost smacked Old Bert, in the face it did. Unseasonable weather for a seasoned country. I can sure imagine gettin' swept in one a those great big gusts. If I walk out there, you might never see me again! Hell, you wouldn't care. Twice passed out on a couch made of bottles. I ain't suprised the wind's not waking you up! But I'm scared, and I'm only 8 young years old! Help me, Pa. I truly believe the witch is going to come bust this old door and Old Bert ain't young no more. I'm scared Pa, and you ain't no use. They say there used to be people in the hills. Then the witch of Bartlow came 'round and emptied 'em . They say people die just from the sight of him. They say when the wind's howling and careening and crashing all around, that's the witch's people, the ones he's done himself. And then the witch comes. And the storm grows. And the windows rattle like the end of a cottonmouth, and all hell rains down!
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