Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Untitled: A Senior Surreal Photo by Katya Schaefer (2012)

My image is that of a hand that has eyes on each of the finger nails and a mouth on the palm. I took several pictures of my hand and selected one that had both the appropriate placement of my fingers and the shadows they cast on my palm. Once I had that image selected I also took close up pictures of several eyes and placed them on the nails. I took a picture of one of my classmates ''screaming'' and placed that in the center of the palm. We were supposed to keep a dream journal and create an illustration of one of these dreams. This is a representation of a dream I had in which what people said had more value than anything anybody else did. People were committing crimes and saying that they hadn't done it and would get away with it, people would lie, say they were telling the truth and no one would think twice. The hands and the mouth are representative of what people say as speech and sight are passive actions. The hand represents the action that a person takes.
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