Freestyle Academy proudly presents

The watchers: A Senior Surreal Photo by Pierre-Henri Joubert (2012)

Tuesday. 10:30 AM. Bob was sitting at his stand, busy sorting through the mass of paperwork. He had to hurry before the brain got angry. He was already behind schedule with the scaffold. He looked over at Bobb, who was similarly busy with his own stand. Below him, the brain worked tirelessly, humming with its usual intense energy. Bob looked back to his stand, shifting his seating slightly, the construction behind him groaning as his weight was redistributed. As he did so, Bobbe shot him a glance, the contours of his faceless head twisting into a frown, of sorts. Bob paid him no attention. He knew that Bobbe was only trying to take his place at the top floor. No matter, though. Boub had his back, and he knew that he could count on the support of Boub and Bobe if anything came of the hostilities. Suddenly, the building let out a beep. Bob looked out towards the lightbulb, along with the rest of his coworkers. They all stared in unison with their not-faces, as the world turned over itself again and time began anew once more.
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