Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Entering Adulthood: A Senior Surreal Photo by Rachel Hayward (2012)

It was like puberty all over again. Embarrassing, and not at all a pleasant experience overall. I touched the new appendage that was now on the top of my head as I looked out at the rest of society. I was being ignored, no person wanted to pay attention to me, to hold my hand as I cry in pain from the growths. Although these feeling were all natural, this coming-of-age process was a pain. The fungi stung and each time a new part of it sprouted, and it felt as if I was jumping off the Eiffel Tower scraping my head against clouds made of splintered glass. And though many preferred having this sickly experience in the comfort of their own homes, I believed it would be a good public display, showing that I am new. More than that, promising that I am reborn and will shed my old skin that contained all my childish antics and immaturity. People will listen; thats what the fungi does.
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