Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Suppress : A Senior Surreal Photo by Rida Ilyas (2012)

The Devil is inside me. I couldn't have prevented it. It was something that was bound to happen, sooner or later. I could've delayed it, but no one could've stopped it. I don't remember much, except for falling unconscious after meeting a gentle and seemingly innocent elderly woman who gave me a single bright glance with a smile. After I regained consciousness and ended up in a locked basement lit by a single lightbulb, it turned out I lost the majority of my memories. There was a man next to me at the time. I don't remember who he was, what he was doing, where he's from; I don't remember his relationship with me but I do know he was somewhat important. I couldn't control myself. I had an overwhelming urge to strangle this man. I became a sadistic maniac. I tried to stop myself, but I reached for an unused power drill. I dug 4 holes in this man's shoulders. They poured blood like the waters of a hydrant.
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