Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Experimental Piece: A Senior Experimental Art Piece by Fernando Martinez (2012)

For my final design project at Freestyle, decided to get a little creative and really think outside the box for this one, which, ironically enough, is not really my forte. We were supposed to compile a few pictures for a composition that represented our experience at Freestyle. I compiled three four pictures for this. For the main background, I used an up-close picture of an air vent outside the Web Room. I the foreground there is the small white stick figure that is on the door of the boy's bathroom which I cut out and then altered the curves and levels of in photoshop. The background is a combination of two pictures of the hills surrounding Mountain View, I used one for the three line, and another for the sky. The picture of the tree line looked a little too blue and so I added a yellow filter to help make the trees look a little more green. I added what I believe was an orange filter to the sky to give it an almost eerie effect.

As for its meaning; well, to be honest, I didn't think of one, and I feel like that in and of itself is its meaning. Anything can mean anything at Freestyle, it is an environment that is meant to bolster creativity and art. Whenever anyone sees a piece of art, we each create a different meaning for ourselves, and this is arguably the most important thing that Freestyle has taught me. Every piece of art has multiple meanings and its always important to create meaning of the world for yourself and to, more than anything, keep your mind open to other views on something.
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