Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Blur of Color: A Senior Experimental Art Piece by Kateryna Fomenko (2012)

For my experimental artwork, I decided to collage together three photos to explore the importance of details, perspective, and texture, to ultimately reflect my experience at Freestyle. My first photo is of a zoomed in flower that is surrounded by a blur of other plants. This flower is so sharp compared to it's surroundings, that it is really easy to focus on the details of the flower, and therefore represents the attention to detail I've developed at Freestyle. Next, I added a photo of the Freestyle campus from the perspective of one of the picnic benches outside, to show how I was able to explore and learn about various perspectives here at Freestyle. Finally, I took a photo of one of the mosaics at Freestyle, and overlayed it over the rest of the collage in order to add texture to the artwork.
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