Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Decaying: A Senior Experimental Art Piece by Annalise Tahran (2012)

My artwork shows a picture of a yellow flower. The leaves on the flower are decaying and half brown. The core of the flower has a puddle of water which has turned a deep blue, reflecting the sky. The background is a picture of winding trees which have mixed with the background colors of the yellow decaying flower. At the bottom of the picture is the top of a freestyle fence which shows the decaying flower being held back.

The decaying flower is used to represent two years coming to an end. At the beginning of our Junior year we came into Freestyle without any prior knowledge and now we are graduating with a world of new information about design, film, web, and English. The background showing the sky and the trees represents a world of opportunities that we are now open to as we near graduation. The fence represents always having a place like Freestyle to go back to and to remember where our talents originated.
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