Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Neil at Freestyle: A Senior Experimental Art Piece by Neil Mallinar (2012)

For my experimental piece, I chose to use pictures of the Freestyle Academy foosball table, the studio sign, and a green table with a wooden rocking chair at one end. These are significant for me because they represent my two years at freestyle. The foosball table because that's the game that my friends and I play every break and get very competitive over. It helps when we need to get away from work for some time. The studio because that is what helped me learn a lot of techniques that I used in creating music. The studio also gave me access to a lot of resources that I couldn't normally have. Lastly the table represents the friends I've made at freestyle and how we are all like a giant family. This is because the tables are places where everyone goes to just sit and talk about anything.
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