Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Experimental: A Senior Experimental Art Piece by Rachel Hayward (2012)

Everyday, I walk through the gates leading to freestyle and am transported to an entirely different community. Its open and welcoming. The couches call over weary students and people work tirelessly in the classrooms. Paint stained hands and bloodshot eyes from looking at computer screens are common occurrences. It's unavoidable. The seniors are always bathing in sunlight during class, and visitors don't understand where to go to find Mr. Florendo.

In my Experimental Art, I include three different photos into a simple design. The first is a picture of the freestyle entrance. The colors in it really bring to light that it is the main focus of this piece. No other part of Mountain View High school is surrounded by plants or feels quite so comforting. The next part of the photo is the couches, a place where I frequently find myself spending time at. No matter what, you can find a student of Freestyle or one of their friends hanging out there. And finally, a somewhat unconventional incorporation of the words ''True Value,'' which I feel really represents what Freestyle is about. True value of art, students, and creativity.
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