Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Experimental.: A Senior Experimental Art Piece by Avery Grimes-Farrow (2012)

My experience with Freestyle combines chilling on the couch, doing work around campus, playing foosball, and playing ping-pong. My experience also includes being on the beautiful campus with a crap load of flowers. Other than the fabulous teachers my experience consists of the friends I made at Freestyle.

In my photo I have a couch, numbers, flowers, a whiteboard with drawings, and a blue-headed girl crouching. The couch signifies how everyday I would relax on the couch all the time. The numbers are from the different Freestyle buildings, signifying the classrooms I was involved with. I had to include flowers to show the beauty of the campus. The whiteboard with the drawings represent the goofy personalities of every Freestyle student. The students are behind the program and to do goofy drawings of them is a proper way of dedicating them. The blue-headed girl is to show the design/ technology part of Freestyle. All things we do at Freestyle involves photography and any other things involving art.
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