Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Wondergrand: A Senior Experimental Art Piece by Zachary Williams (2012)

My project involves two photos taken by me and a third taken of me. The first photo is the pathway linking Freestyles design class to the Freestyle back parking lot. This is the background of my piece. The second is of fellow classmate Sean and his face is faded into one of the stepping stones. Lastly I am laying across a rock relaxing and enjoying myself.

I think this was really a congratulative piece and I enjoyed making it. I had fun taking the pictures, fun manipulating those photos in photoshop, and even fun in the brainstorming stage while creating the meaning for my piece. Basically, what I'm getting at is that everyone is in the process of doing things, getting things done, accomplishing goals and taking steps that shape our future, but along the way we are meeting people that change our lives and make everything fun, enjoyable, and this is a rewarding process. With summer around the corner, and High school just about behind me in the stepping stones, Im excited to have some much needed down time over summer and I ahve really enjoyed every step and grown along the way :)
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