Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Childhood: A Junior Self-Portrait Illustration by Indigo Washington (2012)

The picture I illustrated was a Skittles bag with a lone M&M outside of the package. The words that inspired this image were shunned and depression. The Skittles bag has rainbows on it and its mad with what are perceived to be happy colors, as where the M&M is brown and kind of just there. This represents shunned. The M&M isn't a part of the Skittles cliq so its not allowed in the Skittles bag. The M&M is depressed because the shell is brown, what is perceived to be a sad, mundane color.

My technique was that I took a Skittles bag picture off of the internet and traced it in Adobe Illustrator. Then i drew in an M&M. I chose the simplistic style of drawing because it can start in your youth.
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