Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Frustrated Feline: A Junior Self-Portrait Illustration by Katherine Higgins (2012)

For my illustration, I tried to convey the vastness of my ego, but also my lack of experience. Cats are very cocky animals, and they seem to know everything. This is basically how I try to present myself: knowledgable, attractive, etc. Unfortunately, I don't always know what I'm doing. This is represented by the trumpet, because cats can't play trumpet.

To achieve this illustrious glory, I 'placed' my cat image into Adobe Illustrator and traced it with the pen tool. When that was finished, I repeated the process with my trumpet image. For some parts, especially the eye, I had to use the paintbrush, but for the most part using the pen to outline and fill in parts of the cat and trumpet worked out perfectly. I used opposing colors, red and green, to highlight the conflict between brass and feline, and hot pink accents to keep it working together. The yellow background is conflicting with all three other colors, and heightens the tension in the illustration.
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