Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Through My Eyes: A Junior Self-Portrait Illustration by Madelyn Cook (2012)

In my Illustration, there is an eye with a clock inside of it. I've chosen the eye because it represents how I always look at the big picture, and I'm constantly looking towards my future. The clock, which is shown within the iris of the eye, represents my inability to turn things in on time. I procrastinate on getting my school work done almost constantly, and it often ends up coming back to bite me. Sometimes I get so caught up in the future and what I want to do with my life that I forget I'll never get there if I'm not successful in school and getting my work done.

I created this piece in Adobe Illustrator. First, I started with a picture of an eye, and traced it using the pen, pencil and shape tools in the program. We had to make sure to draw each separate component on a separate layer. This allowed us to go back and make edits to specific parts of our illustration without messing up any ofthe other parts. Then, I deleted the picture, so all that was left was my version of it. Once I had drawn the eye, I created the clock through the same process. I traced a picture of a clock, and then deleted the original picture and lined up my two drawings together so they eye was centered in the eye.
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