Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Lazy Snail!: A Junior Self-Portrait Illustration by Nicolas Fricker (2012)

In my illustration, I am communication my laziness and how that affects my work for school and other curricular activity. I envisioned this ideas, by looking directly at one of the things that holds me back for most of things in life. I did change it at the last minute, because my first image would've been too hard to draw in illustrator, so I ended changing my whole statement, to laziness/ not getting expectations met.

While drawing in my sketchbook, I found myself drawing a snail. Which then give me the idea to use a snail in my illustration. I then had to scan my drawing of the snail so i could trace it with the pen tool in Illustrator. Then with the brush tool i drew the snail a sleeping face, also i added z's by the snail's face. I created a clock spinning into the shell, which represents the time passing by. In the background i created a road, to represent that the world moves fast around the snail.
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