Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Thrown Away: A Junior Self-Portrait Illustration by Nicole Falsetti (2012)

In this piece, I drew a trashcan with many other elements surrounding and inside of it. The trashcan symbolizes how I have been badly hurt in the past before and portrays my fear of being hurt and rejected. There is a broken heart inside the trashcan because my emotions are being buried as I try to suppress the moment of heartbreak. I also have a key buried among the trash inside the can because I feel like I gave up the key to my heart and it was thrown away. I also drew a chain and a lock around the trashcan symbolizing that I have myself locked up in defense so that I will not get hurt badly again. This piece was a learning experience for me not only technically, but personally as I reflected on my emotions and how I handle them.

Some challenges I faced while creating this project was that I had to remember to create new layers each time I made a new trace. This was a concept that I needed to get my mind around, after endless frustration and persistence to get the piece exactly how I wanted it to be. I also had difficulty learning the fill colors and remembering to make sure that it did not fill after I traced. This project was rewarding in the end because it forced me to slow down and take a look at details that I would not have noticed if not faced with the challenge of this project. I have gained a great deal of knowledge and experience with Adobe Illustrator now that I have done this project.
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