Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Don't Come Back: A Junior Self-Portrait Illustration by Peter Salcido (2012)

I know what you might be thinking, what the heck, was this guy crazy when he thought of this? So give me a second to explain. The two concepts I chose were having to pee and depression, know that I do not mean I pee because I'm depressed. I had chose these two because it gives you an image to better explain my experience with depression. It seems like I have a really small bladder, because I always have to pee. And depression never really goes away. It goes away and then comes back. Just like having to pee. So I chose to have a picture of a toilet overflowing and melting. I am comparing the two to make more sense of how depression is to me. The toilet represents the constant trip to the bathroom because I have to use the restroom, (I'm depressed). The darkness represents the loneliness I feel when depressed. The toilet is overflowing because depression is an overwhelming feeling. Since it never goes away, I feel that I'm slowly melting away from myself due to the constant overwhelming journey.

The unity for this illustration is more a quiet passive subject because of its horizontal and vertical line, soft texture, and less tonal contrast it has with the toilet color and the background color. The over flow and melting of the toilet dominates the actual toilet and the background really emphasizing the main points to my artist statement. The value of this illustration is a dingy, soft, dark tone and texture to it. So there is not much contrast to it, which supports my Artist Statement because my Statement is about dark times.
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