Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Self Doubt: A Junior Self-Portrait Illustration by William Scheetz (2012)

Through my illustration, I am communicating my best and worst quality: that I am unsure and I have self-doubt. This quality is both bad and good. Bad because it causes me to not take opportunities for fear that I am not capable of succeeding, but also good because I never rush into a situation and I am always cautious. I envisioned this idea by first creating a list of all my positive and negative characteristics. Then, I condensed the list until I had the characteristic that I felt like worked best for the illustration I would be creating. While my idea did not ever change throughout the process, I do feel like I took a big risk by choosing self doubt as it was very difficult to transform the characteristic into a concrete image.

The process for creating this illustration was slightly difficult. We first chose what idea we would develop, and after that, we needed to decide how to portray that idea in an illustration. After we knew how we would illustrate it, we used Adobe Illustrator to create our illustration by taking images off the internet and masking over them to create our own product. This was perhaps the most challenging part of the process as I was completely unfamiliar with Illustrator and it was slightly different from any other Adobe program I had used. Some of the technical risks I took while creating this product were the images I chose to trace as many of them were difficult to mask around. However, I think the challenging images I masked over only add to the illustration and make it a more solid concrete image.
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