Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Expectations: A Junior Narrative Diptych by Isabella Graziani (2013)

In the photo on the left of my diptych represents the protagonist from my short story; Gigi, who is a girl that gets everything she wants. In the photo one can see the extravagant looking clothes she has on to represent her wealth and the assortment of bags around her arm to represent her mindset that she thinks she can buy out anything and anyone. In the photo on the right there is a boy who represents Tristan, a character that Gigi has a huge crush on. The girl he is holding in his arms represents Kate, who has a nice, down-to-earth personality that Tristan favors over Gigi. In the middle back of the photo you can she the girl behind them frustrated and humiliated that she didn't get what she wanted. In the photo on the left of my diptych represents the protagonist from my short story; Gigi, who is a girl that gets everything she wants. In the photo one can see the extravagant looking clothes she has on to represent her wealth and the assortment of bags around her arm to represent her mindset that she thinks she can buy out anything and anyone. In the photo on the right there is a boy who represents Tristan, a character that Gigi has a huge crush on. The girl he is holding in his arms represents Kate, who has a nice, down-to-earth personality that Tristan favors over Gigi. In the middle back of the photo you can she the girl behind them frustrated and humiliated that she didn't get what she wanted.
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