Freestyle Academy proudly presents

A Hand to Hold: A Junior Narrative Diptych by Parker Malachowsky (2013)

How sad the way a tortured past can haunt the present and future. Such is the case with the man, and main character, of my diptych photo. As one can observe by the splint clamped around his right hand, adverse events in the man's history have left him guarded from the supposed hazards of the outside world. In the first photo, the specific risk is the touch of his girlfriend. In his mind, this threat represents a place of vulnerability he never again wants to occupy after previous experiences with it lead to pain and suffering. However, his most thoughtful attempts to avoid this position simply brought him closer to it. His inability to allot some trust and intimacy to his partner led to a betrayal equally as agonizing as the ones he was running from. In the end, the girl left to find a hand she could hold, as seen in the second photo. Although this plot of a lover with trust issues is recognizable to most, it was rather difficult to bring out the emotion of such a complex situation in merely two photos. Because of this, the scenes to portray in the photos were constantly changing in my imagined final product. However once I saw the two presented in the piece, I knew that it was the best way to display this story How sad the way a tortured past can haunt the present and future. Such is the case with the man, and main character, of my diptych photo. As one can observe by the splint clamped around his right hand, adverse events in the man's history have left him guarded from the supposed hazards of the outside world. In the first photo, the specific risk is the touch of his girlfriend. In his mind, this threat represents a place of vulnerability he never again wants to occupy after previous experiences with it lead to pain and suffering. However, his most thoughtful attempts to avoid this position simply brought him closer to it. His inability to allot some trust and intimacy to his partner led to a betrayal equally as agonizing as the ones he was running from. In the end, the girl left to find a hand she could hold, as seen in the second photo. Although this plot of a lover with trust issues is recognizable to most, it was rather difficult to bring out the emotion of such a complex situation in merely two photos. Because of this, the scenes to portray in the photos were constantly changing in my imagined final product. However once I saw the two presented in the piece, I knew that it was the best way to display this story.
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