Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Deer in the Headlights: A Junior Narrative Illustration by Elizabeth Miotke (2013)

The overall focus of my illustration is a deer caught in the headlights. The deer caught in the headlights represents a character I created in a story we had to write for English. Her name is Jessica and she goes to college away from friends and family. Due to this, she is pretty shy and standoffish, similar to a deer being caught in the headlights. She tries to avoid too much contact with strangers because of a bad experience in her past. I started designing my illustration by tracing a truck on Adobe Illustrator. That took me a while since I was starting out the process and not really too confident in what I was doing. Then I started tracing the deer which took me less time but it was more complex and required more patience to complete. However, the typography did not turn out as clearly as it did when I was creating it on the computer. The trees were stencils that were already created so I spray painted them into my image. The stars were also stencils that I spray painted. So far, this has been my favorite piece at Freestyle.
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