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Attached: A Junior Narrative Illustration by Helena Steffens (2013)

For my narrative illustration, I decided to create a scene in Adobe Illustrator portraying the main problem that takes place in my narrative. In order to do this I had to decide what to portray my main characters as. My narrative tells the story of a young girl whose only friend is her dog. When her dog goes missing, she is forced to branch out to make a friend. The turtle in my illustration portrays the dog in my story. Immediately when I look at my illustration, my eyes are drawn to the turtle. This portrays what the main character feels and how she is always drawn to her dog. The turtle is outlined with the word compassion, to portray why the young girl loves her dog so much. The seaweed in my illustration portrays the young girl. The seaweed is very large and looks like it is about to overpower the rest of the illustration. Outlining the seaweed are words like kindness, love, sympathy and comfort. These words portray more reasons why the girl is so attached to her dog. Much like the seaweed, she feels like she is powerful enough with the principles like kindness, love, sympathy and comfort to try to make new friends. However, the girl doesn't realize that really she is lost. This is portrayed through the letters in the bubbles. The letters are scattered and haphazard, showing the girl's true state of being. The little fish in my illustration portray the other kids in her community that she could easily become friends with if she tried. In terms of the technical process, my major problem was figuring out the fonts. I had to make sure that all of my fonts were not too similar and that they really matched with the object I put them with. At first I thought it was going to be very complicated to trace the turtle, but as I worked on it, it got easier and easier and the process did not turn out to be too bad.
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