Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Part of me: A Junior Narrative Illustration by Kaye Yap (2013)

In my illustration, I depicted an image from my self portrait film about my Russian dolls and how they are a realistic symbolism of my siblings and I. In my film, I find these Russian dolls under my bed and instantly think of my family. I showed this with my drawing and tracing dolls under a bed. I surrounded each doll with words that described my siblings. It was fun designing and creatively thinking of each detail going on the dolls. In the beginning of designing my illustration, I was stuck and frustrated on where to start my drawing but once I got the hang of it I took off. In my opinion, this illustration turned out better than my past ones and I learned how to use Adobe Illustrator very well. I used different aspects of the program such as the spray paint and different lines and strokes. The variety of different textures and colors varied more than my last illustration.
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