Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Sergeant Peppers: A Senior Comic Strip by Allyson Bakos (2013)

Sergeant Peppers and the Sausage Stealer - this comic strip is the visual representation of my short story. I designed this comic strip in Adobe Illustrator using a variety of brushes, opacities, and shaping tools. My story depicts the tale of Sergeant Peppers, a friendly German Shepherd who is the Chief of Police in Sausage City. He is forced into the job after his owner, Officer Jimmy Dean, runs off with the town's baker, Betty Bun. Unfortunately, Sergeant Peppers isn't the most fit canine for the job with his trusting nature and inability to see the wrong in others. However, Sergeant Peppers is faced in a defining moment when a Most Wanted Criminal, The Sausage Stealer, terrorizes the town's prized Delicatessen. Sergeant Peppers pounces on The Sausage Stealer, saving the townspeople and his precious sausages. The townspeople celebrate Sergeant Peppers' courage and reward him with a lifetime supply of sausage. The story ends with Sergeant Peppers finally proving his worth as a Police Pooch.
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