Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Comic Strip: A Senior Comic Strip by Andres Raygada (2013)

The Design portion project for the Web/Audio students was to create a creature with clay, and give it a personality. This character is the protagonist from the story we created in our english class. The assignment was to put the character into a 5 panel comic strip and display a scene that has a pivotal point. My story is about a skateboarder filming a video part, who is ready to go for his final trick (the “banger”), and is looking for what he could try and where he could do it. He finds a handrail and notices that it is a “gnarly” enough rail to go for his “banger”. He starts trying it, but on his 101st try, he ends up hurting his arm. He goes to the hospital and the doctor tells him that his arm is broken and that he must stay of his board for three months. With the deadline of the video due before the three months, the skater knows he is not going to last three months without skating. He wanted to get his last trick over with, and decides to go back the next day. After a few tries, he achieved his goal with a successful landing.
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