Freestyle Academy proudly presents

The Great Discovery: A Senior Comic Strip by Kyle Evans (2013)

In English class, we were assigned to write short stories about any characters and theme of our choosing. It was a nice assignment, and gave me the chance to expand my artistic abilities. After we finished writing our stories in English class, in Design class we created a clay figure that was metaphoric of the protagonist for our stories. I opted to create a purple dinosaur with green spots, because the protagonist of my story was somebody who wanted to succeed but was afraid to step out of his comfort zone. After we created the clay models, we took pictures of the models from all sorts of angles. We then traced these pictures using Adobe Illustrator to create vector versions of our figures. The comic was supposed to recreate the “Aha!” moment in our story, so I chose the moment that the protagonist realized in a CSI-like fashion he had solved the mystery. All in all, I am proud of my comic and feel that it does a good job of creating an interesting scene in only five panels.
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