Freestyle Academy proudly presents

A Rogue Destiny: A Senior Comic Strip by Eric Liu (2013)

“A Rogue Destiny” is a comic page that displays a bitter conflict the fictional U.S. Senator Karl Rogue finds himself in. No, he isn't battling a mountain of bureaucratic paperwork, nor is he undertaking the herculean task of preparing a re-election campaign.

Sure, he finds himself constantly commuting between Washington D.C. and the capitol of Minnesota, busy with his legislative duties. Secretly, he patrols his city's streets as frequently as he can. As a superhero. Who fights crime in a bright green suit. However, he is torn between the two sides of life as he doesn't want to advance his career in politics. When he asks his father for guidance, Wilson Rogue surprisingly shows his support for his crime fighting side. Wilson tentatively shows a toy that Karl used to pretend was a superhero when he was a child. In the end, Karl decides to fight crime and continue his day job.

In the beginning panels, the style of the comic is meant to be gritty. However, the illustrations transitions into a more fantastical world when Rogue's superhero suit is displayed. The red and orange gradient background symbolizes the anxiety and frustration that Rogue is so familiar with. However, the ocean blue radial gradient in the middle of the comic page represents a feeling of comfort for the busy politician. The full story is a tale of angst, grief, and acceptance; I aspired to represent the moment of acceptance through this page.
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