Freestyle Academy proudly presents

The Deep End: A Senior Mise en Scene Illustration by Eric Bohrer (2013)

He's gone off the deep end. Harland just couldn't take it anymore, and now he's gone off the deep end. Abandoning what little he had of a life, he's decided to steal his step-brother's clunker of a van and make a break for it. Where is he going? He hasn't really thought about that... but who cares? Thinking is overrated, and Harland has finally realized it. Now, speeding around the sticks in a 1998 Toyota Sienna, with nothing more than a half-broken tape cassette player and a lukewarm extra-large pepperoni and mushroom pizza to keep him company, Harland is free.

The overall blue tint of the photograph creates a weird sort of tension between the subject and what's around him. The character believes that everything outside is crazy, but its probably just him. The blurred background and emphasis on the horizontal creates a sense of speed and discomfort, much like the character is uncomfortable with the hard knocks that life has given him.
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