Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Walking Out: A Senior Mise en Scene Illustration by Lucas Andrade (2013)

I collaborated on a story with Camila Sol about a teenager named Elmo Kevins. Elmo has always aspired to be a musician, but his parents don't support his musicianship at all. After a huge fight with his parents he decides to run away with his guitar and $600 of his parent's money to start his music career without their help.

I chose to photograph Elmo walking out of his house with the guitar and the money because it was the most essential part to the story, if he hadn't walked out the rest of the story would not have been possible. I chose the photograph at night to stay true to the story, so I had to use a tripod so that the picture would not come out blurry. I took the picture outside my friend's house that had the christmas lights, which added visual interest without distracting from the subject.
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