Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Killer's Spree: A Senior Mise en Scene Illustration by Taylor Peterson (2013)

For my film class, I am making a narrative about a teenage serial killer named Marie. She craves the adrenaline rush from taking a human life, yet she is still conflicted about it. She fears she is a sociopath and that that is all she will ever be. One day, she meets a boy, Rick, and discovers she has feelings for him. These feelings are foreign to her because she has only ever cared about herself and her own well being. My picture portrays the scene in which she kills a very eco-unfriendly business woman. Rick dislikes this woman because she owns a company that will soon be letting off extremely dangerous greenhouse gases into the air. Killing this woman was the first time Marie had ever done something for anyone else. It's the point in the story in which she's not killing for her own selfish needs.
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