Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Successful Failure: A Junior Self-Portrait Diptych by Blake Moran (2013)

My picture is titled Successful Failure. This title comes from my poem with the idea that, success and failure come hand in hand. In order to have success you must first have failure. It is failure that points you in the direction of success.

Success in my diptych is represented by a BMW. BMWs cost a decent amount of money and people that have them are often considered to be successful. One has to work hard to get the money to buy that car usually and it doesn’t come easy.

My other image is a picture of a paper that got an F on it. An F is a universal symbol for a failure, some every consider it to stand for failure. The red of the marker was intended to highlight the letter and give it a blood evil type look as intended to be a negative.
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