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Tings aren't given, they're earned: A Junior Self-Portrait Diptych by Carter Lee (2013)

For my diptych that I have based off my poem I took the line ''Things aren't given, they’re earned'' and used an oxymoron ''Careless Desire'' to express the photos. The left photo is my sisters room and it represents careless, as things are super messy in there like no one cares about the cleanliness or the room. This photo represents the opposite of things that need to be earned, and it is shown that you will not get what you want if you don't care for it.

The right side of the diptych is a piggy bank with money inside and behind it representing desire, as we all desire money and the coins represent the small steps taken before reaching the big pot of our desires. This photo represents the things we earn from the work we put into it, and that we can achieve anything only if we put the work into it.

the entire diptych connects by the photos, the room representing careless, and the piggy bank representing desire. we all want things or have desires and sometimes we are aware of what we need to do to earn them, but sometimes we never want to put the work into what we desire.
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