Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Murky Crystal: A Junior Self-Portrait Diptych by Christopher Ogaz (2013)

My diptych is basically built with the idea that sometimes peoples self reflections are clear, but at the same time some peoples self interpretations are less clear, and in a sense almost murky. This is why my diptych is named Murky Crystal. As you can see in the photo, both items includes glass, clear glass too. But yet one makes things clearer, and the other in this case the other makes it less clear. The clarity of the idea is dependent on who is looking into it’s depths. See that’s what makes reflections something of so many dimensions. In my poem I state both words, Crystal and murky to describe these kinds of feelings that a person might feel when a person is thinking about themselves.The way someone thinks about themselves is complicated, and a little trick, so I tried to also convey that in my diptych.
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