Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Restricted Freedom: A Junior Self-Portrait Diptych by Daniela Chavez Preciado (2013)

The photograph to the left was inspired by the fifth line of my personal poem, ''My hands get cut when I hang on to this fence for too long.'' The fence represents all that imprisons me, keeps me from being one with the universe. In the picture, my hands are hanging on to the fence, revealing my longing for the freedom that is just on the other side.

The Idea for my second photograph came from the part of my poem that said ''When the sun rises once again, my feet won’t stop running. My feet refuse to touch the ground'' This part of the poem reveals my sense of eternal freedom. To accurately portray the line in my poem, I took the photograph at an elevated angle. Making me appear to be running above the ground, nothing is trapping me as I run through the sky.

Apart, my two images have nothing in common. In the left image I’m trapped, looking down at the path that has already been laid out in front of me; the fence restricts me from breaking out of my entrapment. The image on the left is of me running away from the things that held me back, the once giant trees in the first picture are now small and insignificant, and I’m free. Together they depict my ''Restricted Freedom''.
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